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Alright moving on, i guess ill do a quick intro about myself i guess and what this is all for. the name is clair and this is for my internet and society class..im pretty outgoing, i say what i want, and i do what i please...the most random person... the only reason i dont have a twitter is because im not sure why people are so caught up in others lives that they fail to live their own....but hey not about that really.... this blog will basically cover what the people: my family tree (long story): talk about at lunch ... so lets talk

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Friday, October 29, 2010


ilmg <3
lets do this... lesbians, butch, fem, pumps, pants...etc... the topic how do you feel about homosexuality. i myself i have a girlfriend, her name is Af. we have been together for about a year and 2 weeks. i am very open about our relationship and am not afraid of what anyone thinks. at first i was nervous about my friends and family, but this is my life to live and not theirs, and i have been thankful to be blessed with fam and friends who do love me despite what they "expected" or "preferred" me to be with... but i love her and yeahh

lately, i have been getting questions like "who is the man in the relationship" or "what's your type; do you like butches or what" or even "why do dykes want to be guys"... *sigh* at first i used to get mad, but i had to realize that these people are asking for a reason; because they do not know...well let me answer them

Q.who is the man? A. there isn't one. we are both females and i wouldn't have it any other way. if my girlfriend had a...shwang...i would not be with her sadly. if you want to know who is the more dominant one...you cannot base it merely off of what we wear. our personalities mesh so well together that dominance isn't a part of our relationship

Q. what's your type? A. I don't have one...if we click we click...period. right now ...im taken :p

Q. why do dykes want to be guys? A. news flash... if they wanted to be guys they would be planning to have surgery and get a sex operation and so on and so forth. just because they wear baggy jeans, and a fitted doesn't make them "want to be a guy" its just how they dress... that's like saying all tom-girls want to be not only gay but guys too... no. they are just females who dress in what makes them more comfortable...you really must know the person honestly. just recently i had a discussion with my gf about the difference between a lesbian and a dyke and we agree that there is a HUGE difference. online if you type in lesbian, and moderation is on...which i hope it stays on, you will typically get "pretty" lesbians alot of feminine lesbians... try typing in dyke... the internet has made the image of "dyke" an insult to a lesbian with masculine facial features...the internet has also shaped society's overall image of what a lesbian should and should not be...positive sites such as www.curvemag.com and logo provide a more realistic view of lesbians...but hey what do you think ???

Thursday, October 28, 2010



anyway i chose to talk about the most infamous, maryjane today and this will probably be one of the main topics of this blog.... Even if no one decides to read it, I will still put it out there. so the goal of this whole thing is to talk about stoners yay ow exciting. yes you read it. STONERS and everything ..oh the possibilities..

so today at lunch the idea that marijuana would lead to the use of other drugs: I HIGHLY DISAGREE... thats like saying if i drink soda...it could lead to me drinking alcohol T_T my point exactly... my main thing i have with this i guess is that i am so pro-choice it makes no sense why i remain in the united states... but thats another topic with itself.... anyhow...i don't see how more than half of the population smokes weed in hiding and we still keep it illegal for the wrong reasons... more people die from alcohol related incidents than weed everyday... the most that happens when smoking,WHICH IS PROVEN, is that you come down... try drinking the same amount of alcohol... no scratch that ...don't try it...why?BECAUSE you will die. and yet marijuana is still illegal in the states... time to move to good ole Amsterdam...

..and my lighter lol
the second issue coming up a lot in regards to weed,pot, whatever you would call it ...im gonna say pot (i think it sounds cool lol) was when to and when NOT to smoke, how to and how NOT to smoke, and ways you know you SHOULDN'T be smoking... simple right exactly... it's not for everyone so don't let anyone pressure you into doing it if you don't want to.. plain and simple... but there are some rules stoners (potential or existing) follow ... www.hailmaryjane.com holds a safe haven for stoners everywhere along with http://www.thestonerscookbook.com/.
....check em out...tell me what you think ??