about me..

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Alright moving on, i guess ill do a quick intro about myself i guess and what this is all for. the name is clair and this is for my internet and society class..im pretty outgoing, i say what i want, and i do what i please...the most random person... the only reason i dont have a twitter is because im not sure why people are so caught up in others lives that they fail to live their own....but hey not about that really.... this blog will basically cover what the people: my family tree (long story): talk about at lunch ... so lets talk

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

BACK TO WEED The Union - Trailer

sawwy it took so long... but you all need to see this movie about the real MARIJUANA!!!!! the strongest natural fiber in the world... so why is it illegal ...ask yourself..

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I feel as if alcohol has had a worse affect on us than weed has. In my opinion I believe that worse things can happen when people are intoxicated because of alcohol than high off of weed. Our government should be worrying about outlawing alcohol, and loosen up on the marijuana laws.