about me..

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pluto, outerspace
Alright moving on, i guess ill do a quick intro about myself i guess and what this is all for. the name is clair and this is for my internet and society class..im pretty outgoing, i say what i want, and i do what i please...the most random person... the only reason i dont have a twitter is because im not sure why people are so caught up in others lives that they fail to live their own....but hey not about that really.... this blog will basically cover what the people: my family tree (long story): talk about at lunch ... so lets talk

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

...the Vod Cast

THAT JUST HAPPENED T_T this is the name of my new and soon to be awesome vod cast and yes i made vodcast up and now it exists as a word :] moving on... my vodcast will hopefully consist of the people who have questions for/ and the people we talk about. simple as that. if you want to join the convo please let me know (all personal information will not be given out...unless like me..you just dont care...) in terms of those we talk about, if you can relate to anything we "vod" about email me so i can get this thang cracking snmayeke@uncg.edu OR synclairmkey@gmail.com... it'll be like a truelife-icarly-better than twitter orgy HOLLA!!

...if you were wondering i did have to ask about using the word "orgy" but it's the internet of course i can use it ...ha ha orgy :]

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