about me..

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Alright moving on, i guess ill do a quick intro about myself i guess and what this is all for. the name is clair and this is for my internet and society class..im pretty outgoing, i say what i want, and i do what i please...the most random person... the only reason i dont have a twitter is because im not sure why people are so caught up in others lives that they fail to live their own....but hey not about that really.... this blog will basically cover what the people: my family tree (long story): talk about at lunch ... so lets talk

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Thursday, November 11, 2010


had to get it off my chest...

i dont want to work ...but i need the money :| y should life be all about working to make money to pay people to...this makes no sense.. our lives are now completely revolved around making paper to go get more paper thats not backed up by anything important... we are trying to make something...out of nothing... life is about the journey....so why do we spend all of our time doing things we DONT want to do...

how about we stop trying to ...and jus do things.... travel see the world...love eat what you want  ... grow as a person and freakin live life!!!seriously!

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