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Alright moving on, i guess ill do a quick intro about myself i guess and what this is all for. the name is clair and this is for my internet and society class..im pretty outgoing, i say what i want, and i do what i please...the most random person... the only reason i dont have a twitter is because im not sure why people are so caught up in others lives that they fail to live their own....but hey not about that really.... this blog will basically cover what the people: my family tree (long story): talk about at lunch ... so lets talk

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Friday, November 12, 2010

...good 'ole learning T_T

ao im not really sure what i have to blog about but my teacher said something about having to blog atleast 2 a class period,, so i guess ima juss have to talk about life in general.  this sh*t is the most irritating. like i feel like i cant really do anything to be honest... in relating that to the internet THERE ARE NO sites that can fully help you with finding out ANY answers because there are none to be honest. sorry teach i guess i failed this blog... anyways i juss had to put it out there....

alot of my friends and the people i talk to say that if there were an alternative to the crap they and myself deal with on a day to day basis it would have been done... why do you think ppl smoke weed??? why do you think they decide to go and blow sh*t up??? why do you think ppl are ..."depressed"??? seriously...why are we here... why cant i simply be happy? maybe im overthinking and maybe i do too much... but hey if this is what it takes to be happy and find the real meaning of happiness because truly...i can no longer live like this... there is WAY TOO MUCH out there for us to worry about how much we make and when this and... just stop for a while...breathe a bit recognize those around you...love and be happy and see the world experience... stop trying to own us and rule us and take away our every waking freedom... society is corrupt... college is a waste of time non-backed-up money....

it shouldnt have to take my entire CHILDHOOD TO MID ADULT ....20 emeffinyears! to what? to measure knowledge... answer me this... but how is it that you measure...how much you've learned and know and all of this and that... its crazy.. how about we learn on our own ...this makes the MOST SENSE...if you notice, alot of students and great ppl and this and that ... they arent forced to learn and take tests...they can go and engulf themselves in their own world to what THEY want to learn about...with everything being learning through ACTUAL WANT instead of staying and BEING FORCED TO LEARN AND GET CERTIFIED AND THIS AND THAT just ughhhhhhhhh its to the point where its no longer about what you know but how you got there...thats crap...

forced learning=FALSE learning!

however for more information about this theory and many others check out All Business.com or even hit up iTunes for D.Campbell's pod cast called -what do ya know..lol- The Learning PodCast... or even GOOGLE  search it XD


The Invisible Observer said...

I believe that you make some good points. Why are we required to take classes that have nothing to do with what we want to learn about?

Brittany said...

I whole heartedly agree. I think that it's ridiculous for people to have to waste not only time, but money (which a lot of people don't have) on classes that have nothing to do with what they are wanting to major in. It's really really sad that people can not go to "credible" institutions to get a piece of paper so they can be "successful" without having to go through a bunch of foolishness.

Global Interaction - Study Abroad said...

It's good to know your opinion.