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Alright moving on, i guess ill do a quick intro about myself i guess and what this is all for. the name is clair and this is for my internet and society class..im pretty outgoing, i say what i want, and i do what i please...the most random person... the only reason i dont have a twitter is because im not sure why people are so caught up in others lives that they fail to live their own....but hey not about that really.... this blog will basically cover what the people: my family tree (long story): talk about at lunch ... so lets talk

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

...there is hope...

...i just need to further express how important it is for us to open our eyes to everything and ac ptually look at the big picture... we need to recognize what has been done, take it for what it is, accept it, and grow a whole.

from this here forth i honestly believe that i can change as a person to push the health of the future including the planet and future generations... at this point we ALL need to rethink possibilities...

and now i am changing my blog to more than what is being done to harm to what we all can do to help...

declare your own independence from these horrors of the world... one person at a time..it really is a time for change...maybe we are the generation to start ...

the corporation trailer

...omg the mffin economy

everything does not NEED to be owned ...i dont understand the logic of this...YOU CANNOT OWN THE PLANET... or environment is slowly dying and has been for THE LONGEST TIME... how about we stop looking about how much money we can profit and start looking at what is genuinely GOOD for the people and the earth...

of course im watching another documentary im a film student on vacation ... give me a break lol... so this one is called The Corporation. and once again another brilliant doc about the realities we are constantly being fed and the complete bullshit that is being covered up...

since WHEN did a building receive rights as a human... yeah ok... now explain to me...actually dont, because CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE...IT HAS NO RIGHTS...why they are given rights to own, to sell, to buy, to trade, to sue... WHAT IN THE HELL ARE WE DOING!!!

ITS NOT BUSINESS ....its f***ing brain wash.... watch this learn something and more importantly tell me what you think. . .

Monday, December 6, 2010

...love and parents :|

i need to first off shout out my loving girlfriend afra qays ...I love you with everything i have...now todays topic is parents and YOUR relationship... how they completely take you and your love for someone else for granted and always question the other persons intentions in the relationship... i mean how did they feel about their parents saying something...why pass down the trait???

Sunday, November 21, 2010

...turkey day :|

a day for family and fatness.. thanks giving is such a drag to me... maybe its my family...or the fact that the "holiday" supports and is backed up by CRAP AND LIES lol oh yea i do know alot this sh*t blows.... im gonna show you in a few days ... tune in..

so its the end of the semester and i just got back from my parents place for thanks givings.. i love my parents dearly but  its a holiday for a reason, i shouldnt come home to getting crapped on as soon as i get in the door... im sorry and my gf shouldnt have to make a decision like visit your wife and leave for good or stay...

the holidays really bring out the worst in people...especially those trying to show out for the ones they "love",always afraid of what other might think they control those around them to put on the perfect picture this cookie cutter postcard worthy picture of the most loving and flawless family... i especially love it when EVERYONE in the family knows what is going on, has their little 2cents to put in it, and wont bring it out in the open BUT they can talk about behind doors ...WE ALL KNOW ...

i also love how im a semi vegg and ppl thought it would be funny to get me to nearly puke by letting me almost eat broccoli and cheese with italian sausage ...cute...


Saturday, November 13, 2010


sexual attraction VS physical attraction??

you know what... ill leave this one open...such a controversial concept leading to love, relationships, emotions, ...and everything else...what makes a relationship..the physical?sexual?emotional? i mean think about it...

you tell me...what do YOU think...

sorry for the language...it got intense...

Friday, November 12, 2010

...good 'ole learning T_T

ao im not really sure what i have to blog about but my teacher said something about having to blog atleast 2 a class period,, so i guess ima juss have to talk about life in general.  this sh*t is the most irritating. like i feel like i cant really do anything to be honest... in relating that to the internet THERE ARE NO sites that can fully help you with finding out ANY answers because there are none to be honest. sorry teach i guess i failed this blog... anyways i juss had to put it out there....

alot of my friends and the people i talk to say that if there were an alternative to the crap they and myself deal with on a day to day basis it would have been done... why do you think ppl smoke weed??? why do you think they decide to go and blow sh*t up??? why do you think ppl are ..."depressed"??? seriously...why are we here... why cant i simply be happy? maybe im overthinking and maybe i do too much... but hey if this is what it takes to be happy and find the real meaning of happiness because truly...i can no longer live like this... there is WAY TOO MUCH out there for us to worry about how much we make and when this and... just stop for a while...breathe a bit recognize those around you...love and be happy and see the world experience... stop trying to own us and rule us and take away our every waking freedom... society is corrupt... college is a waste of time non-backed-up money....

it shouldnt have to take my entire CHILDHOOD TO MID ADULT ....20 emeffinyears! to what? to measure knowledge... answer me this... but how is it that you measure...how much you've learned and know and all of this and that... its crazy.. how about we learn on our own ...this makes the MOST SENSE...if you notice, alot of students and great ppl and this and that ... they arent forced to learn and take tests...they can go and engulf themselves in their own world to what THEY want to learn about...with everything being learning through ACTUAL WANT instead of staying and BEING FORCED TO LEARN AND GET CERTIFIED AND THIS AND THAT just ughhhhhhhhh its to the point where its no longer about what you know but how you got there...thats crap...

forced learning=FALSE learning!

however for more information about this theory and many others check out All Business.com or even hit up iTunes for D.Campbell's pod cast called -what do ya know..lol- The Learning PodCast... or even GOOGLE  search it XD

Thursday, November 11, 2010


had to get it off my chest...

i dont want to work ...but i need the money :| y should life be all about working to make money to pay people to...this makes no sense.. our lives are now completely revolved around making paper to go get more paper thats not backed up by anything important... we are trying to make something...out of nothing... life is about the journey....so why do we spend all of our time doing things we DONT want to do...

how about we stop trying to ...and jus do things.... travel see the world...love eat what you want  ... grow as a person and freakin live life!!!seriously!

wtf im mad X{

fag! are you serious... so done ok pause fag is definitely not the best word to use to talk about a homosexual.. like i was just completely blown out of the water, i dk about yall but i wish a... would ...call me dyke let alone a fag... you can shoot yourself with all of that seriously...

the definition of faggot:

  • faggot: ornament or join (fabric) by faggot stitch; "He fagotted the blouse for his wife"
  • faggot: fasten together rods of iron in order to heat or weld them
  • offensive term for an openly homosexual man
  • faggot: bind or tie up in or as if in a faggot; "faggot up the sticks"
  • a bundle of sticks and branches bound together
 the same crap as a dyke:

  • butch: (slang) offensive term for a lesbian who is noticeably masculine
  • dike: enclose with a dike; "dike the land to protect it from water"
  • dam: a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

BACK TO WEED The Union - Trailer

sawwy it took so long... but you all need to see this movie about the real MARIJUANA!!!!! the strongest natural fiber in the world... so why is it illegal ...ask yourself..

Food Matters REAL TALK!!

Looks good doesn't it T_T...
...how about after a hundred days...looks the same huh??
see for yourself: The Happy Meal Project
omg im watching this movie about health called FOOD MATTERS on Netflix... seriously EVERYONE needs to WATCH THIS!!! its so scary...well in my opinion ...the government is lying to all of us. we dont matter. but guess what does?? you got it...MONEY thats all they truly care about... take doctors for example THEY MAKE MONEY OFF OF US BEING SICK. yes maam sick...did you know that we no longer get enough vitamins for our bodies to function CORRECTLY let alone HEALTHY enough.

simple terms:

processed foods (pesticide filled but mass production) + two-three weeks to get there = MAL NUTRITION 

lack of nutrition + lack of knowledge = SICKNESS|DEPRESSION|CANCER ETC

that leads to a doctor visit who does not provide the vitamins and nutrition needed to bring the body back up to par...but MEDICATION for such ILLNESSES

= MONEY!!!!

HEALTH DOES NOT MAKE THEM ANY MONEY wth is that?? are you serious... ok ima upload a video on the preview for this documentary -yall need to get hip. seriously. lives.are.at.stake!-

Thursday, November 4, 2010

...mackin' and such

i shouldnt even really call it mackin ...or spittin game or any of that...is it mackin if you'r just being yourself..  i mean if i were to walk up to you and say hi im so and so i think you're the sh*t, would you call it mackin or whatever... now how about me sayin hey my name is so and so and i think you are so pretty is it ok if i walk and talk with you for a while... i mean... if thats my personality is it still macking?? or is it deliberately going out of your way to catch someones attention... who knows ...lets talk...
ok pause: that just happened:
how you gonna prove that you just slept with someone else... LET IT GOOOOO lol ... just dugg a hole your significant other tried to get you out of.. and YOUR PROUD OF IT?? trust is a HUGE part of relationships but in the wise words of the great alumni.."don't put yourself OR your significant other in bad situations for infidelity to happen.." point blank period

PS: i wanna throw a HUGE shout out to CHINNI happybday!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

...the Vod Cast

THAT JUST HAPPENED T_T this is the name of my new and soon to be awesome vod cast and yes i made vodcast up and now it exists as a word :] moving on... my vodcast will hopefully consist of the people who have questions for/ and the people we talk about. simple as that. if you want to join the convo please let me know (all personal information will not be given out...unless like me..you just dont care...) in terms of those we talk about, if you can relate to anything we "vod" about email me so i can get this thang cracking snmayeke@uncg.edu OR synclairmkey@gmail.com... it'll be like a truelife-icarly-better than twitter orgy HOLLA!!

...if you were wondering i did have to ask about using the word "orgy" but it's the internet of course i can use it ...ha ha orgy :]

Friday, October 29, 2010


ilmg <3
lets do this... lesbians, butch, fem, pumps, pants...etc... the topic how do you feel about homosexuality. i myself i have a girlfriend, her name is Af. we have been together for about a year and 2 weeks. i am very open about our relationship and am not afraid of what anyone thinks. at first i was nervous about my friends and family, but this is my life to live and not theirs, and i have been thankful to be blessed with fam and friends who do love me despite what they "expected" or "preferred" me to be with... but i love her and yeahh

lately, i have been getting questions like "who is the man in the relationship" or "what's your type; do you like butches or what" or even "why do dykes want to be guys"... *sigh* at first i used to get mad, but i had to realize that these people are asking for a reason; because they do not know...well let me answer them

Q.who is the man? A. there isn't one. we are both females and i wouldn't have it any other way. if my girlfriend had a...shwang...i would not be with her sadly. if you want to know who is the more dominant one...you cannot base it merely off of what we wear. our personalities mesh so well together that dominance isn't a part of our relationship

Q. what's your type? A. I don't have one...if we click we click...period. right now ...im taken :p

Q. why do dykes want to be guys? A. news flash... if they wanted to be guys they would be planning to have surgery and get a sex operation and so on and so forth. just because they wear baggy jeans, and a fitted doesn't make them "want to be a guy" its just how they dress... that's like saying all tom-girls want to be not only gay but guys too... no. they are just females who dress in what makes them more comfortable...you really must know the person honestly. just recently i had a discussion with my gf about the difference between a lesbian and a dyke and we agree that there is a HUGE difference. online if you type in lesbian, and moderation is on...which i hope it stays on, you will typically get "pretty" lesbians alot of feminine lesbians... try typing in dyke... the internet has made the image of "dyke" an insult to a lesbian with masculine facial features...the internet has also shaped society's overall image of what a lesbian should and should not be...positive sites such as www.curvemag.com and logo provide a more realistic view of lesbians...but hey what do you think ???

Thursday, October 28, 2010



anyway i chose to talk about the most infamous, maryjane today and this will probably be one of the main topics of this blog.... Even if no one decides to read it, I will still put it out there. so the goal of this whole thing is to talk about stoners yay ow exciting. yes you read it. STONERS and everything ..oh the possibilities..

so today at lunch the idea that marijuana would lead to the use of other drugs: I HIGHLY DISAGREE... thats like saying if i drink soda...it could lead to me drinking alcohol T_T my point exactly... my main thing i have with this i guess is that i am so pro-choice it makes no sense why i remain in the united states... but thats another topic with itself.... anyhow...i don't see how more than half of the population smokes weed in hiding and we still keep it illegal for the wrong reasons... more people die from alcohol related incidents than weed everyday... the most that happens when smoking,WHICH IS PROVEN, is that you come down... try drinking the same amount of alcohol... no scratch that ...don't try it...why?BECAUSE you will die. and yet marijuana is still illegal in the states... time to move to good ole Amsterdam...

..and my lighter lol
the second issue coming up a lot in regards to weed,pot, whatever you would call it ...im gonna say pot (i think it sounds cool lol) was when to and when NOT to smoke, how to and how NOT to smoke, and ways you know you SHOULDN'T be smoking... simple right exactly... it's not for everyone so don't let anyone pressure you into doing it if you don't want to.. plain and simple... but there are some rules stoners (potential or existing) follow ... www.hailmaryjane.com holds a safe haven for stoners everywhere along with http://www.thestonerscookbook.com/.
....check em out...tell me what you think ??